Sunday, July 12, 2020

READING (French IB SL) Pascal défilera le 14 juillet

READING (French) Pascal déf... by Marie on Scribd

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Frida Kahlo (born 6th. July 1907)

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) était une peintresse mexicaine dont les oeuvres - principalement des auto-portraits - questionnent sur nos rapports à l’identité, le corps et la mort.

They thought I was a surrealist, but I wasn’t. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality”

Ses représentations sans complaisance de son propre corps - jeune, elle avait eu un accident causé par un tramway - et son style artistique inhabituel ont fait d’elle une icone féministe des temps modernes. Pour cet anniversaire de Frida Kahlo, regardez ces dessins d’élèves sur Instagram.
Le saviez vous ?
Frida était née le 6 juillet mais elle insistait pour avoir son anniversaire le 7 juillet car c’est aussi la date d’anniversaire de la révolution mexicaine.

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) was a Mexican painter whose works - mainly self-portraits - question our relationships with identity, the body and death.
They thought I was a surrealist, but I wasn’t. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality “
Her uncompromising portrayals of her own body - young, she had a tramway accident - and her unusual artistic style have made her a modern feminist icon. For Frida Khalo’s birthday, check out these student drawings on Instagram.
Did you know ?
Frida was born on July 6 but insisted on having her birthday on July 7 because it is also the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution.